Friday, February 28, 2014

The Problems With Being a Middle Schooler

   In third grade, I got my first locker. I was so astonished. I mean, the locker didn't actually have a lock. But, clearly I was so excited to be done with cubbies. Yet, I still could not wait for middle school when I'd finally have a lock on my locker. I can't believe I was ever excited.
   But I guess it makes sense- back then, we had it easy. We were cut some slack. Because the only thing in our locker was a backpack, and maybe a sweatshirt or a coat, or in case we were really fancy, some girls in fifth grade actually decorated theirs with mirrors and whiteboards.
   That was it, though. At the end of the day, you'd take your bag home with you, and your locker was basically vacant. All your books and folders that weren't homework would stay inside your desk... but now we can't do that. Because we have more than one class with more than one desk, and if I randomly decide to leave my binders in the desk it will get put in the lost and found and I'm basically screwed for the rest of the day because I won't be able to do my homework or do anything in any of the classes and if I don't do my homework I won't get into a good college and if I don't get into a good college I won't be able to get a good job, which means working in McDonalds in which I won't earn enough money to pay for my own place and then I'll be homeless. I know that was the hyperbole-ist of all hyperboles, but yeah...
   Anyway, my point is, in middle school, you can't leave all your stuff in your locker. There's so much STUFF!!! In elementary school, you don't have homework in all your subjects because that would be too much stuff- we were normally just stuck with twenty minutes of reading, and a math worksheet; no stress and no harm done. But in middle school, if you leave one folder in your locker, you're going to get in trouble, because you usually have homework in EVERY CLASS. Hence, my point: I have to take everything home with me at the end of the day.
   So I am writing this blog entry right now at ten o'clock at night lying on my bed with a HEATING PAD behind my back because of my back pains. I'm too young to be having back pains! Shouldn't those come in my forties? You're probably wondering "What the heck why does she have back pains?" Well, here's why: I carry way too much stuff in my bag, and I don't have a backpack. So here I am, walking from a whole other building to the bus with an overstuffed TOTE BAG that's hunching me over- and I mean literally hunching me over- when I walk. Kids must walk by me every day thinking I'm the Hunchback of Notre Dame With a Flowered Lunchbox.
   I really need a backback...
P.S. Excuse my complaining- I'm in a complaining mood today. And, as you can tell, I'm awfully bad at hiding my complaints.

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