Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Just Thought You May Wanna See My Journal

hi i am  ella and i am stupid....yaaaaay*
*That was written by my au pair. Siggggghhhh

10:46 PM, May 20th, 2014
Hello! So today I had school, but you know, I do most of my life, so... yeah. Let's see what I can talk about?

Well, do you (I'll just call "you" a "you" for now because you're just a notebook, but I can't really give you any other appropriate pronoun, hehehehe)realize how ironically the word "funny" is used (based off an idea by Esther Earl-- btw rest in awesome, Estee)? Even when you're not using it sarcastically. e.g. "Omg it's sooooo funny, Bob, just, like, texted me!" What the crapbuckets is funny about that?!?! >.<

It's pretty late and I have a math test tomorrow, but my "fatigue" usually wears off by, like, the middle of first period. So I guess that should buy me some time. It's funny (DARN IT! I've been trying to avoid using that word ironically, but I guess it's a filthy old habit. Mwahahaha), I used to never dot my "I"s, and people would be like, "What the poop?" So lately, I've been working on it. In retrospect, let me just say that
OOPS forgot what I was gonna say.

My hand hurts ugggh.

Sorry for the messy handwriting. I bet that, like, in *some* many years I won't be able to read it and my handwriting will probably be TOTALLY different ummmm. Yeah but it's likely I'll have no idea where in the world this is. I hope you find it, Future Me.


Okay for now, I'm gonna sign off and read a book until I fall asleep.

'Night, dahlinks.

12:09 AM
Okay, so it's been nearly an hour and a half, and I am nowhere close to sleepiness. I hate it when you are totally drowsy and you can't fall asleep and you just wait there like a total idiot or something. I also have that really unpleasant/uncomfortable thing where one of my nostrils is all stuffed up and I keep getting all paranoid that If I close my mouth when I sleep I'll only have one nostril to breathe out of and yeah. Do you know what I'm saying? Correct answer - no, 'cause "you" don't have a brain. *eye drawing* and that was a random eyeball in case you feel like looking at a random eyeball. Yeah...


Sooooo in case anyone steals this, just warning you, you probably won't find any "juicy" stuff in here, heheheheh. Like, no stuff about crushes or girly things like that. It's interesting, I've always wanted a journal to confide in, and now that I've finally got one and am writing in it, I don't feel that urgent need to...
spill. I feel like all my secrets are kind of (semi-)permanently etched in my brain. :/

*suckish cat doodle* <---- cat (a.k.a. what I'm allergic to)

good night (for now).

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