Sunday, March 8, 2015

things are annoying.

I like to say I have a rather positive outlook on life, but I'm also a complainer. For example, I am ALWAYS COLD. That causes problems that sprout out of other problems, and that is just a big problem. Like the other week, I went to a bar mitzvah. It had been snowing the night before and was just as cold as hell (that is really ironic, haha- more like "cold as the north pole?" idk heehee), so of course here I was with a sweater, a coat, and a billion other things. I usually first go outside and feel the temperature and dress accordingly, but then I end up either changing the whole darn outfit or just adding more. On the day of the bar mitzvah, I opened the door as a gust of wind blew in. So the first thought I had were:
     -will I need leggings with this?
     -maybe a light jacket, so I'll be warm enough outside and not too cold inside?
But then you have the whole aspect of "How will I look?" and you realize that it won't be cold inside, and then of course, the opinion of others changes practically everything. By the time I finally head outside in my leather jacket, no leggings, and dress, my mom tells me to go get my heavy down jacket and I realize that yeah, she might might be right. Then I decide to grab a scarf and and gloves and a hat because it is fricking FREEZING outside.Yet again I am faced with another *major* dilemma: WHAT do I do with all of my layers? By the time I got to the coat checky-place where you're supposed to hand up your coat, not only was my coat hanging there, but on that same hook, a leather jacket and scarf was as well - not to mention the gloves and hat I tried to surreptitiously shove in my purse until I could force it closed. I also probably took my sweater on and and off about five times throughout the party. Also, when you're always cold, grocery stores are terrible. I know it's the frozen food aisle, but does the literal AISLE need to be frozen as well?

Moving on to the next thing: when somebody asks for your pen/pencil/whatever and they don't give it back (which is roughly 90-95% of the time). Honestly. If I give you a pencil, you are BORROWING it. Chances are, I have one left, not to mention I am losing pens/pencils/whatevers consistently.

Oh well.
I'm signing off. Sorry i haven't posted more! I've been pretty busy so yeah.


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